Monday, October 1, 2007

aching body after fun weekend

aching achilles. check
bum back. check
bruised shin and knee. check
shiok feeling of playing footy. check
i juz played my first footy game in like five months at a street soccer court near my old house. it was worth every bit of ache and cramp i feel at e moment. plus the added poignancy of visiting my old neighborhood where i spent the first 14 years of my life. much has changed to the hougang ave 1 group of flats (the court for one is relatively new) since i moved about 10 years ago but it was nice to see my old malay barber shop still in existence. memories of me getting my hair cut and buying agar agar from the fruit shop came flooding back to my mind.
on a whole it was a very exciting (and busy) weekend. three great rugby matches on tv. not many things can make me not want to switch channels to watch my beloved united on tv but the wales fiji match was a real cliff-hanger. before i slept that nite, i only had one word in my mind to describe it: wow
and since i seem to be reviewing my weekend in reverse, i watched the nanny's diary on sat (wasn't too hard to choose watching a movie with a chio bu over one with two guys acting gay). i have to say it did strike a surprising chord with me, especially so in the singapore context. while we dun have many nannies and upper east siders here, we have many maids and double income families (a phenomenon that i'm partially blaming for the prevalence of spoilt brats among children these days - but this can be a whole separate article for another day). but i'm sure the scene of grayer running to annie instead of his mum would have struck the chord among many singaporean mums who have had the same experience with their children and maids.
the total handsoff approach to parenting by Mr and Mrs X is absolutely grating to me. it brings to mind the spca? ads about pets not being able to be shelved like books after one has lost interest in them. i hope this underlying message is a timely reminder to the parents of today that their child is living human being they need to interact with and not something you can throw money at and expect to grow up well.

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