Thursday, October 18, 2007

back from stockholm and some thoughts

so i've been back from stockholm for about a week liao (din get to extend my stay coz of lack of air tickets and lab presentation on tues). it was a nice break though and a really beautiful place (photos soon when i figure out how to post them).
i've been kind of neglecting this site but i've been rather busy since i came back and i din really have much to talk abt (unless u wanna read abt all the expts i've been running)
now a recent (seemingly) hot topic has been the upcoming tabling of a Parliamentary Petition to the Parliament of the Republic of Singapore to repeal section 377A (Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years) by Nominated Member of Parliament Siew Kum Hong.
now i have to admit i have no idea about the origins of this issue but on a personal note, i would vote for the repealment of the law if it did come down to a national vote. but to be honest, i am quite sure that the majority of the votes will be for the maintenance of the status quo. this society in general is just not quite ready for such a move yet. this brings me back to the online petition which i am highly skeptical about. the PM has already made his stand pretty clear on this issue and thinking that an online petition will change his position about it is well wishful thinking. i dunno wat to think of some of the people who sign these online petitions and are so proud abt it. if one really wants to support a cause, one should do more than sign such a thing (it's just too easy to do this nowadays). im not sure maybe it's just hip or cool to be associated with such things.
no offense but i can think of many other more worthwhile causes to back (global warming and AIDS in Africa comes to mind) if i can find time to. so i will just sit back and watch things develop over the next few weeks


pacific202 said...

but to be honest, i am quite sure that the majority of the votes will be for the maintenance of the status quo. this society in general is just not quite ready for such a move yet. this brings me back to the online petition which i am highly skeptical about. the PM has already made his stand pretty clear on this issue and thinking that an online petition will change his position about it is well wishful thinking.

Personally I think our society is no different from that of HK or Taiwan or Jakarta. The difference between Spore and them is here there is a govt that is authoritarian and decides that this should and is a conservative society, so end of debate shut up. Trouble is S'poreans start believing in it too.

Yes the outcome of the petition is a given. But I have no doubt change will come in time, it has to because that is the way of history and humankind. But if the desired outcome do not materialise tomorrow, does it mean people should not do something about it? Rome is not built in one day, it has to start somewhere. But not starting ensures that Rome will never be built.

i dunno wat to think of some of the people who sign these online petitions and are so proud abt it. if one really wants to support a cause, one should do more than sign such a thing (it's just too easy to do this nowadays). im not sure maybe it's just hip or cool to be associated with such things.

The world is plagued with many issues. This is just one that is particular to this society. No one person can solve them all. Tackle them one at a time. Lumping them all together only makes the task insurmountable and self-defeating, and a poor justification for apathy. Again my point is there is no short cut to change. It won't happen overnight so it takes every tiny effort to plod towards the direction.

Doing the right thing will always make one pleased with oneself. It is not being proud, but certainly it is nothing shameful.

SGDaily said...

I'm the optimist and believe that every little action matters ^_^. I've put your post up at The Singapore Daily [[]. There are other viewpoints there I hope you can spare some time and read what others have to say about the issue. Keep blogging!

The Singapore Daily

Alvin said...

thanks pacific202 for ur careful dissection of my post though it would have been nice if u left a name (now you are like one of the many who signed the online petition with their online nicks or something). but i digress. my only concern and doubt about the petition is that it will lose steam as many of these online things do in this mtv generation of people. the petition is a good start (i never said it was a bad thing) but i guess i was not clear about my point of view: there is a need for a follow-up with more concrete action. but the ease of 'signing' an online petition is such that i'm skeptical even half the number of signees will actually follow up on their 'interest' in this move.

i agree with your last comments (too long for me to summarize here) but i will pick my cause to back with vigor (and not back something coz it simply requires an online 'signature'). personally i would prefer helping people who are struggling for their livelihood or lives than supporting a group of able people who can work and support themselves.

Alvin said...

sgdaily: thanks for your note. will try my best to read the views there but time's hard to squeeze out when one's attempting to i quote a friend 'save the world one virus at a time'